Alhamdulillah (praise is due to Allah) on Friday night, 7th of December 2018, IQRO Youth held a meet and greet the new IQRO president, Aniq Umam, and IQRO Youth coordinators (Rangga Raka and Lia Santiana) along with a BBQ and sausage sizzle.
Almost all members of the IQRO Youth were present in the event.
Didit and Naufal were grilling up delicious lamb chops and sausages while Mr. Syafi'ie Alwayni, the secretary general of IQRO, was actively documenting the event.
The youth was really enjoying their food and enthusiastically listened to the president's speech. In his speech, Mr. Umam pointed out that IQRO cares about its youth members. He encourages the youth to take an active part in IQRO's programs. Not only that, but he also expects them to enjoy the programs that are created for them.
"Don’t be afraid to speak up and express your ideas," he added.
Energised by the president's statement, the youth seemed to be more excited in filling out the questionnaire about their favourite programs in the past and suggestions to make them better.